WASHINGTON CITY (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project: WASHINGTON FIELDS SEWER LINE

Bids for the construction of the Project will be received at the Public Works office located at 1305 E. Washington Dam Rd, Washington City, Utah 84780, until April 16, 2024, at 2:00 P.M. local time. At that time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read.

The Project includes the following Work:

Project will include installing approx. 2,200 feet of 18” sewer line, manholes, services lines and appurtenances in two separate sections along Washington Fields Road and E 2000 S. Sewer line will tie into existing line near 300 E, and Washington Dam Rd. Additionally this project will include improvements to roadway along 2000 S, between 20 East and Washington Fields Road. These improvements will include rotomilling and applying new HMA, grading, excavation, raising and collaring existing manholes and valves, and striping.

Bids are requested for the following Contract: WASHINGTON FIELDS SEWER LINE Obtaining the Bidding Documents

Information and Bidding Documents for the Project can be found at the following designated website: 

Bidding Documents may be viewed and obtained online by registering with the Issuing Office at Following registration, complete sets of Bidding Documents may be downloaded from the Issuing Office’s website as portable document format (PDF) files.

1. Navigate to Sunrise Engineering’s website at

2. Click on “Plan Room” at the top of the homepage.

3. Register or log in (if returning Bidder) – one must register or log in to obtain access to the Project Documents

4. Click on “Add Me to Plan Holders List” that corresponds with the Project.

5. Click on “View Project Details”.

6. This will be the page to download Project Documents, see Photos, see Plan Holders, and obtain Addenda.

Any notices regarding changes / addenda to the Project Documents will be sent to the email addresses associated with the Bidders’ registration. The designated website will be updated periodically with addenda, lists of registered plan holders, reports, and other information relevant to submitting a Bid for the Project. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the designated website. Bidders are responsible for maintaining accurate contact information and check the Plan Room website often to receive updates or additional information.

Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated website.

EJCDC® C-111, Advertisement for Bids for Construction Contract.

Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies, and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.

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The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is:

Sunrise Engineering, Inc., 11 North 300 West, Washington, UT 84780

Pre-bid Conference

A pre-bid conference for the Project will be held on April 9, 2024, at 2:00 PM at the Washington City Public Work Office located at 1305 E. Washington Dam Rd, Washington City, Utah 84780. Attendance at the pre bid conference is encouraged but not required.

Instructions to Bidders

For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents.

This Advertisement is issued by:

Owner: Washington City

By: Blake Fonnesbeck

Title: Public Works Director

Date: March 20, 2024

EJCDC® C-111, Advertisement for Bids for Construction Contract.

Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies, and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.

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