COVID-19 Information:

(2020) Mayor's Message Important Update


With the recent directive from the Governor and the critical importance of suppressing the spread of Covid-19 Washington City’s scheduled celebrations for November will not be taking place. Please watch this short message from the Mayor and remember military service members make incredible sacrifices, putting their lives at risk, and spending long periods of time away from family and friends; they keep America safe. Please celebrate these incredible people this Veterans Day at home with family, remembering the veterans in your life. Thank you.

(2020) Governor's Message


Please watch this short YouTube video from the Governor concerning the Pandemic.

Rental Assistance Is Available


Covid-19 has caused issues for many in paying rent, to learn about what assistance is available please visit, or to apply visit For more information about the CDC Executive order preventing eviction visit

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Message From Utah Health Department


Dr. Angela Dunn, State Epidemiologist for the Utah Department of Health reminds us that less restrictions actually mean greater risk. Practice healthy behaviors and help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Utility Office Announcement


The Washington City Utility Department is open and available to assist you. We would encourage the public to continue to use all electronic methods for payment and communication. As you can imagine the phones are very busy right now so please be patient and leave a message if your call is directed to voicemail. We have increased our phone operators and will get back with you as soon as we can. The utility office has re-opened to accommodate those with special circumstances. Social distancing guidelines and safety will be maintained if you come in it should be a last resort. If you have any questions please call the utility department at (435)-656-6305 or send an email to

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May 7th Mayor's Message


Watch as Mayor Neilson gives a short update and talks about Bike Month, the Washington City Community Center, and Covid-19 related info.

Washington City Community Center Update


The Washington City Community Center will re-open on May 4th. With the updated Governors directive there have been some changes related to the leisure pool and public swim. For full details on these restrictions please visit the link below.

I.S. Department Be Safe Online


While staying healthy and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic the Washington City I.S. Department would like you to be safe online as well. Take a couple of minutes to watch this YouTube video and share this post to inform the community.

Washington City Community Center Re-Opening


The Washington City Community Center will open on May 4th with restrictions, please visit the link below for full details.

Utah Leads Together Plan V2.0


The second version of Utah Leads Together was released April 17, 2020. This is Governor Herbert’s comprehensive task force plan to mitigate the economic consequences of COVID-19. This version of the plan builds on the first version by recommending actions Utah businesses and citizens can take during each of the response phases and introduces new data tools that will help in the transition between those phases. Please visit to learn more about the plan.

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Utilities Department Xpress Bill Pay Update


Xpress Bill Pay is working around the clock to effect new updates to help the performance of their website and, for now, are encouraging patrons that the hours between 6 PM and 8 AM are the best times for them to access the services for Xpress Bill Pay.

Thank You Is A Wonderful Message


During these difficult times, it is always great to see the community come together to support each other. This picture was captured shortly after the bridge on S Washington Fields Rd. Thank You! is a wonderful message for everyone. Thank you for being a kind, generous community that helps each other.

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Mayor's Positive Message And Thank You


Watch as Mayor Neilson gives a short positive message and thank you to the community. If you have any specific questions please contact the Emergency Service Director at

Utilitiy Department Announcement


Xpress Bill Pay is an online bill pay service that is used by Washington City as well as several other Utah communities. It is a separate company and not owned or managed by Washington City nor any of the other communities that use their services. With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic and the closure of many of the different city offices across the state, this has put an unusually high demand on the online services provided by Xpress Bill Pay. Because of this demand many of you who may use Xpress Bill Pay for payment of your utility bill may be experiencing outages or longer than usual delays. We, at Washington City, apologize for any inconvenience or frustrations that this may be causing you. Please be patient with them as we also are trying to be.

Germs Spread Really Easy Watch How


Social Distancing and following Governor Herbert's guidelines are important, the community's continued participation is appreciated in this effort to blunt the curve. Please remember to also continue to wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face. This YouTube video gives a great example of how easy it is to spread germs. Share this post to help inform the community.

Economic Development Business Reminder


Important Business Reminder: The St. George Area Chamber of Commerce has posted all available programs to help support small businesses due to the COVID-19 situation. We encourage you to take the time and review the attached link for resources that may help your business press through this pandemic. We Are Greater Together!

Governer Herbert's Travel Alert


Following a recent executive order from Utah Gov. Gary Herbert, Utah will, for the first time, deploy a targeted wireless emergency alert (WEA) on certain highways that cross state borders into Utah. The alert will direct motorists to fill out a brief declaration for more info please click the link.

Message From Utah Health Department


It is important to stay home in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you must leave your home please stick to these essential travel guidelines. #StaySafeStayHome

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Be of Good Cheer


Being safe is important but it's equally important to continue to have positivity and kindness "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." ~ Mark Twain. Take a moment to watch this positive message and be of good cheer.

Washington City Mayor's YouTube VIdeo Update


Watch as Mayor Neilson gives a short update on COVID-19. Please share this post and help inform the community.

City Council Meetings Streaming On Youtube


The Washington City Council will hold the April 8, 2020 regular and workshop meetings online, they will be streamed for public viewing on the Washington City Youtube channel. Public Hearing item comments may be made online from now until the time the City Council closes the public hearing during the meeting. All Washington City meeting information can be found at including links to the Washington City Youtube Channel.

Animal Licensing


Washington City has decided to suspend until further notice, the renewal of your animal license. There will be no penalty for having an expired animal license. Once the current situation changes, you will be required to renew an expired license. More information will be provided once we have initiated the renewal process again. Thank you for your cooperation.

Governor's Announcement


Washington City would like to remind the community If you haven't seen the latest recommendations from Governor Herbert you can read them using the link provided. Since the new Directive was sent out at the end of last week, City Leadership has been out and observed our public areas throughout the City. We are very proud to report Washington residents are doing what our Governor has asked of each of us. We want to thank our community for being responsible, following social distancing guidelines and ultimately taking care of each other. Please continue to be amazing and responsible community members while making the best decisions for you, your family and all in this wonderful Community. Please share this post and help inform the community.

Justice Court Announcement


To help follow state guidelines and to help maintain social distancing all public-facing areas have been closed. For Justice Court please call (435)-656-6350. Justice Court Clerks will be available normal business hours by phone/internet and by appointment as needed. All Court payments can be made online at or by using the payment dropbox located on the Northside of City Hall. Please include your name and phone number with the dropbox payment. Please contact the court if you have an upcoming court date scheduled. You can contact the court by email at

Washington City Mayor's Message


Please take a moment to watch and share this video from Mayor Kenneth Neilson. Follow the guidance given by State Leadership and know that Washington City continues to operate. In an effort to reduce the financial and emotional stress to our residents and businesses during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Washington City has suspended all late fees and penalties. Additional options are available if you have been impacted financially as a result of COVID-19 and are unable to make your payment in full. Please contact the utility office at or 435-656-6305 for more information on payment options.

Washington City Community Development Announcement:


During this difficult time, Washington City recognizes businesses are doing their very best to sustain their business, accommodate employees, and serve the community. These efforts are greatly appreciated. If having temporary signage to help advertise your business would be beneficial during this state of emergency it will be allowed. Washington City will allow you to put up signage as long as it doesn't cause a safety issue but we would request you take them down as soon as the state of emergency is over. For any questions please call the Community Development Department at (435)-656-6326.

Washington City Utility Department Announcement:


Washington City understands the impact that COVID-19 is having on its residents and businesses. Although city offices are closed to public access, business hours are still M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm. Please visit to access our online services. Payments can be made in the payment drop box at City Hall, online or by phone. As you can imagine the phones are very busy right now so please be patient and leave a message if your call is directed to voicemail. We have increased our phone operators and will get back with you as soon as we can. Questions can also be emailed to In an effort to reduce the financial and emotional stress to our residents and businesses during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Washington City has suspended all late fees and penalties. Additional options are available if you have been impacted financially as a result of COVID-19 and are unable to make your payment in full. Please contact the utility office at or 435-656-6305 for more information on payment options.

Public Service Announcement: Protect DogTown


Help protect DogTown by following the advice from dog medical pawfessionals.

St. George Area Chamber of Commerce


Information, resources, and updates for local businesses and individuals from the St George Area Chamber of Commerce.

Justic Court Availability


To help follow state guidelines and to help maintain social distancing all public-facing areas have been closed. For Justice Court please call (435)-656-6350. Justice Court Hours and availability are Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10am to 2PM and on Tuesday and Thursdays from 1pm to 5pm. All Court payments can be made online at or by using the payment dropbox located on the Northside of City Hall. Please include your name and phone number with the dropbox payment.

The Following Options Are Available to Utility Customers.


Payment Options: Dropbox North side of City Hall Online at By Phone at (435) 656-6305 All utility payments should be made electronically using Xpress Bill Pay or by Phone. If needed you can use the external payment dropbox. New Accounts and Terminations can be done online by visiting All questions and account Inquiries should be directed to or call (435) 656-6305. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these adjustments.

Washington City Green Spring Golf Course Update


Green Spring Golf Course is still operating with increased cleanings procedures. The Pro-Shop is not allowing the public to enter but patrons are still able to check-in through the Pro-Shop window. All golf carts are being wiped down with a chlorine solution before and after use. Carts have also been equipped with the same solution so customers can wipe down the cart if desired during their game. The snack bar is still open for call-in orders that can be picked up at the door. Green Spring Golf Course will remain open on a day to day basis. If you have questions please call (435) 673-7888.

Washington City Continues To Operate With Business And Service Adjustments


Please refer to and utilize the red alert banner at the top of the screen for existing information. All departments continue to function with guidance from City leadership. Critical staff has been separated into multiple teams for future redundancy strictly observing CDC social distancing guidelines and many staff are working remotely where applicable. While the WCCC is shutdown for the foreseeable future, staff is being utilized in other areas of the city. Some will be helping to clean parks, trails, and buildings, and others will be utilized to help direct the public as they arrive at buildings; keeping the public out of city offices while still accomplishing business needs. For specific department information emailing or calling is always welcome. Please remember while COVID-19 may possibly not be serious to many of the population for others it will be life threatening. Please be kind and patient as these adjustments take place and utilize for information needs; remember to utilize the search feature.

Washington City Update From The Mayor


Please take a moment to watch and share this video from Mayor Kenneth Neilson. Remember Washington City will continue to operate with some changes. The WCCC is closed for the foreseeable future, Cotton Days events are canceled, and all public interfacing areas in Washington City are shut down to the public.

Further Steps Taken To Prevent Spread


Due to COVID-19 Washington City will continue with business and services with adjustments. The WCCC will be closing for the foreseeable future as recommended by State Leadership. This will include all programs, sports, etc..Washington City Hall will be closed to public interactions as well, all public-facing areas will also close at the end of business today March 17th, 2020; public areas will not be open. All utility payments should be made electronically using Xpress Bill Pay or by Phone. If needed you can use the external payment dropbox. The Washington City Public Works and Building departments will be implementing a new drop off and pick up procedure for plans and jobs to minimize the spread until further notice. Stay tuned for updates about other departments.

Public Works Department Adjustments


With the changing conditions taking place due to COVID-19 the Washington City Public Works will be implementing new drop off and pick up procedures to minimize the spread. Until further notice, the new procedures are listed below. When entering the Public Works Department building inside the vestibule between the two doors, there is now a table and plan holder for pick up and dropoffs; these are labeled. While dropping and picking up plans please make contact with Brandon at 656-6336 or Evelyn at 656-6317 to check plans and jobs in. All staff can be reached by phone or email throughout the duration of these adjustments. All Pre Construction meetings or any other meeting will need to be conducted either by phone or google hangouts. If it is necessary to meet this can be accommodated onsite with a reasonable distance between all parties involved. Please do not conduct business inside of the Washington City Public Works office until further notice. All inspections will continue but please provide inspectors adequate social distancing (6 feet) and with no more than 10 people around them. If you have any questions please call the Public Work Department at (435) 656-6317.

Building Department Changes


With the changing conditions taking place due to COVID-19 the Washington City Building Department will be implementing new drop off and pick up procedures to minimize the spread. Until further notice, the new procedures are listed below. When entering City Hall, inside the vestibule between the two doors, there is now a table and plan holder for pick up and dropoffs; these are labeled. While dropping and picking up plans please make contact with Bonnie at 656-6326 or Creig at 656-6361 to check plans in. All staff can be reached by phone or email throughout the duration of these adjustments. All Pre Construction meetings or any other meeting will need to be conducted either by phone or google hangouts. If it is necessary to meet this can be accommodated onsite with a reasonable distance between all parties involved. Please do not conduct business inside of the Washington City office building until further notice. All inspections will continue but please provide inspectors adequate social distancing by not being on the same floor of the building being inspected. If you have any questions please call the Building Department at (435) 656-6326.

WCCC Limiting Class Sizes


In an effort to keep everyone healthy and to comply with state guidelines, effective immediately, we are limiting all class sizes to 10. First come first serve, pick up a frisbee at the front desk.

COVID19 Press Release


March 11th, 2020. Following the message provided by state leadership in Utah concerning COVID-19, Washington City's public safety leadership has created this video message for the community to view.

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111 North 100 East | Washington, Utah 84780 [map]
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