- Blucan: Not a city service. (This link goes to their website) Blucan is the WCSWD curbside recycling program. Washington City does collect payment for Blucan, contact Washington City Utilities for questions about your bill.
- BluCan Schedule: Use the BluCan Widget on the Utilities Page to find your pickup schedule and other information about recycling.
- Bluestakes: Not a city service. Call 811 before digging to have utility lines located.
- Book a Tee Time for Golf: Online Booking of Green Spring Golf Course Tee Times
- Building Department: Building permits and regulations
- Burn Permit: Obtain a permit to burn weeds and yard trimmings during burn season. We adhere to Statewide Burn Seasons dates, however due to the variable nature of weather conditions in the Washington County area, those time frames may be expanded or reduced. Burn permit access is adjusted on a daily basis as determined by air quality (clearing index) and the Fire Chief.
Open burn season is typically Sept 15- May 30th. Closure is evaluated daily based on conditions, check burn permit form for availability.
- Business Licensing: Doing business in Washington CIty
- Garbage Cans / Pickup / Blucan: Call Washington County Solid Waste District at 673-2813 after signing up for Utilities to order cans. Trash pickup occurs every holiday except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. On the weeks with those holidays, service is delayed by one day following the holiday. Friday's route is pushed to Saturday. Washington County Solid Waste District 673-2813, Landfill Hours M-F 7am - 5:30pm and Saturday 7am - 3:30pm
- GIS: Geographic Information and Mapping
- Golf Course: Green Spring Golf Course is owned and operated by Washington City
- Green Power: Green Power options offered by Washington City Power
- Library: Washington County has a branch of their library in Washington City at 220 N 300 E, near Washington Elementary and the Washington City Community Center
- Mayor: Washington City Mayor Kress Staheli
- Meetings: Public meeting information
- Movie in the Park: Not a City service. The Washington City Area Chamber of Commerce put on movies in the park. The events take place through the summer in Veterans Park. check their calendar for events: http://business.stgeorgechamber.com/events/calendar https://washingtonutchamber.com/events/month/
- News: Washington City News and Social Media Outlets
- Newsletter: Archive of the monthly newsletter distributed with utility bills
- Parade Route Map: Route utilized by parades in Washington City
- Parks: Information about Washington City's many parks.
- Planning and Zoning: Planning and Zoning Department
- Police: Washington City Police Department
- Power: Washington City Power, services electrical power for citizens north of the Virgin River.
- Power - Dixie Power: Power company that services residents south of the Virgin River
- Public Notices: Official governmental notices and announcements
- Public Safety: Landing page for departments and information regarding public safety in Washington City
- Public Transportation: Suntran provided public transportation in Washington City
- Public Works: Water, Streets, Sewer, Fleet, Irrigation, and Storm Water Departments
- Recorder: Records, GRAMA Requests, Elections
- Recreation: Golf, Sports, Parks, Trails, Washington City Community Center, and Celebrations
- Renewable Resource Policy: For the use of renewable energy generated at your home
- Reverse 911: Register all of your phone numbers to receive emergency communication from the City and other County Public Safety.
- Utilities: Utility Billing for Washington City. Utility rate information and calculators. Applications and online billpay.
- Water: Water Department - Produces and distributes culinary water to Washington City.
- Weather: Weather data from City Weather Stations
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