Past Meeting Packet Documents:

City Council Regular Meeting January 27, 2021 - Packet

10a Real Property - Exchange Property West end 3650 South - Review.pdf
10a Real Property - Exchange Property West end of 3650 South - Exhibit.pdf
10b Real Property - Sale Property East end 3650 South - Exhibit.pdf
10b Real Property - Sale Property East end 3650 South - Review.pdf
11a Dedication - Bonnie Lane and 1100 East Roadway - Review.pdf
11a Dedication - Bonnie Lane and 1100 East Roadway - Sheet 1 Exhibit.pdf
11a Dedication - Bonnie Lane and 1100 East Roadway - Sheet 2 Exhibit.pdf
12a Agreement - Interlocal Cooperation for IRONMAN - Briefing Document.pdf
12a Agreement - Interlocal Cooperation for IRONMAN Agreement.pdf
13a Award Bid - Generation Plant Office _ Changing Room Additions Drawings (1).pdf
13a Award Bid - Generation Plant Offices _ Changing Rooms - Briefing Document.pdf
13a Award Bid - Power Office _ Changing Room Proposal.pdf
14a Impact Fee Deferral - Soccer Complex at Stucki Farms - Review.pdf
1a Agenda RM012721.pdf
4bi Final Plat - Chaparral Ridge Phase 5 - Exhibit.pdf
4bi Final Plat - Chaparral Ridge Phase 5 - Review.pdf
4bii Final Plat - Majestic Hills Phase 3 - Exhibit.pdf
4bii Final Plat - Majestic Hills Phase 3 - Review.pdf
4biii Final Plat - Views at Coral Canyon Phase 4 - Exhibit Sheet 1.pdf
4biii Final Plat - Views at Coral Canyon Phase 4 - Exhibit Sheet 2.pdf
4biii Final Plat - Views at Coral Canyon Phase 4 - Exhibit.pdf
4biii Final Plat - Views at Coral Canyon Phase 4 - Landscape.pdf
4biii Final Plat - Views at Coral Canyon Phase 4 - Review.pdf
5a Preliminary Plat - Desert Flower Phase 2A - Table Request.pdf
5b Preliminary Plat - Brio Phase 4E - Exhibit.pdf
5b Preliminary Plat - Brio Phase 4E - Review.pdf
5c Preliminary Plat - Washington Vista Phase 3C - Exhibit.pdf
5c Preliminary Plat - Washington Vista Phase 3C - Review.pdf
6a Plat Amendment - Iron Horse Phase 2-3 Preliminary - Exhibit.pdf
6a Plat Amendment - Iron Horse Phase 2-3 Preliminary - Review.pdf
7a PH - Zone Change Z-21-01 from A-20 to R-1-15 - Exhibit(1).pdf
7a PH - Zone Change Z-21-01 from A-20 to R-1-15 - Exhibit.pdf
7a PH - Zone Change Z-21-01 from A-20 to R-1-15 - Review.pdf
7a PH - Zone Change Z-21-01 from A-20 to R-1-15 - Statement.pdf
7c PH - Zone Change Z-21-04 Amend PUD - Exhibit.pdf
7c PH - Zone Change Z-21-04 Amend PUD - Review.pdf
7c PH - Zone Change Z-21-04 Amend PUD - Statement.pdf
7d PH - General Plan Amendment G-21-01 from LD to NCOMM Gardner - Exhibit.pdf
7d PH - General Plan Amendment G-21-01 from LD to NCOMM Gardner - Review.pdf
7d PH - Zone Change Z-21-01 from A-20 to R-1-15 - Statement.pdf
7e PH - Highland Area Zonal Water Impact Fee - Review.pdf
7f PH - Exchange Property West end of 3650 South - Exhibit.pdf
7f PH - Exchange Property West end of 3650 South - Review.pdf
7g PH - Sale Property East end 3650 South - Exhibit.pdf
7g PH - Sale Property east end 3650 South - Review.pdf
7h _ 8a PH - Budget Amendment 20_21 FY - Worksheet.pdf
7h _ 8a PH - Budget Amendment 20_21 FY - Review.pdf
8a Resolution - Amending 2020-21 FY Budget.pdf
9a Ordinance - Zone Change Z-20-20 from RA 1_2 to R-1-15 Exhibit.pdf
9a Ordinance - Zone Change Z-20-20 from RA 1_2 to R-1-15 - Review.pdf
9b Ordinance - Zone Change Z-20-21 Amend PUD - Review.pdf
9b Ordinance - Zone Change Z-20-21 current approved Crimsom Park PUD.pdf
9b Ordinance - Zone Change Z-20-21 Proposed PUD Amendment - Exhibit.pdf
9c Ordinance - General Plan Amendment G-20-07 Fields - Review.pdf
9c Ordinance - General Plan G-20-07 from CV to CCOM - Exhibit.pdf
9d Ordinance - Culinary Water Zonal Impact Fee - Highlands area.pdf
9d Ordinance - Culinary Water Zonal Impact Fee - Report - Study.pdf

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