Past Meeting Packet Documents:

City Council Regular Meeting March 24, 2021 - Packet

10a Surplus Vehicles - 2021 Surplus Property - Briefing Document.pdf
10a Surplus Vehicles - 2021 Surplus Property - Worksheet.pdf
10b Surplus Property 3560 S 240 W - Exhibit.pdf
10b Surplus Property 3650 S 240 W - Briefing Document.pdf
10c Sale of Surplus Property 3650 S 100 E - Briefing Document.pdf
10c Surplus Property 3560 South 1100 East - Exhibit.pdf
11a Municipal Election Services - Agreement w_ Attorney Corrections.pdf
11a Municipal Election Services - Briefing Document.pdf
11b Amend WCSSD Municipal Billing and Collection - Agreement.pdf
11b Amend WCSSD Municipal Billing and Collection - Briefing Document.pdf
12a Boundary Adjustment - STG and Washington - Briefing Document.pdf
12a Boundary Adjustment - STG and Washington - Map.pdf
12a Boundary Adjustment - STG and Washington - Resolution.pdf
13a Award of Bid 3650 S Extension - Exhibit.pdf
13a Award of Bid 3650 S Extension - Bid Tabulation.pdf
13a Award of Bid 3650 S Extension - Briefing Document.pdf
14a Council Protocols _ Procedures - Briefing Document.pdf
14a Council Protocols _ Procedures - Exhibit.pdf
14a Council Protocols _ Procedures - Resolution.pdf
1a Agenda RM032421 Amended.pdf
4bi Special Event - Lions Club 4th of July Breakfast-Event.pdf
4bii Special Event - Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt.pdf
5a Subdivision Vacation of Lots 47-52 Rusted Hills Phase 3 - Briefing Document.pdf
5a Subdivision Vacation of Lots 47-52 Rusted Hills Phase 3 - Exhibit.pdf
5a Subdivision Vacation of Lots 47-52 Rusted Hills Phase 3 - Ordinance.pdf
6a Heartland Minor Subdivision - Exhibit.pdf
6a Heartland Minor Subdivsion - Briefing Document.pdf
7a Preliminary Plat Finlay Farm - Briefing Document.pdf
7a Preliminary Plat Finlay Farm - Exhibit.pdf
7b Preliminary Plat The Island at Coral Canyon - Briefing Document.pdf
7b Preliminary Plat The Island at Coral Canyon - Exhibit.pdf
8a PH Zone Change Z-21-03 PCD to R-1-10 - Briefing Document.pdf
8a PH Zone Change Z-21-03 PCD to R-1-10 - Exhibit.pdf
9a Storm User Fee - Briefing Document.pdf

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