Past Meeting Packet Documents:
Planning Commission Meeting October 21, 2020 - Packet
1 A Agenda.pdf
4 A Final Plat, Shooting Star, Phase 2 subdivision Report.pdf
4 A Shoting Star Phase 2 Final Plat Exhibit.pdf
5 A Desert Ridge Phase 1 Preliminary Plat Exhibit.pdf
5 A Preliminary Plat, Desert Ridge, Phase 1 sub. Report.pdf
5 B Desert Flower Phase 2A Prelim Plat Exhibit.pdf
5 B Preliminary plat, Desert Flower, Phase 2A sub. Report.pdf
6 A Architectural (2) Exhibits.pdf
6 A Architectural Exhibits.pdf
6 A Landscape plan-SITE Exhibit.pdf
6 A Majestic Hills Storage Renders Exhibits. pdf.pdf
6 A Z-20-18 PUD Zone Change with photo Exhibit.pdf
6 A Z-20-18 Zone change request, PUD-C _design approval_, Doug Dennett Report.pdf
6 B Z-19-07 Amend the Crimson Park Elevations.pdf
6 B Z-19-07 Zone change request, amending elevations to the approved PUD, Dev. Solutions Group Report.pdf
6 C tabled - Z-20-17 Zone change request, from PUD to PCD (Long Valley Trails) Report.pdf
6 C Z-20-17 Long Valley Trails.pdfReturn to Meetings and Notices page.
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