Past Meeting Packet Documents:
Planning Commission Meeting September 19, 2018 - Packet
1 A Agenda.pdf
4 A Lot Line Adjustmnet Conceptual Plan Exhibit.pdf
4 A Minor 2 lot subdivision, ferguson Minor sub.,Report.pdf
5 A Sugar Plum in the fields, phase 5 subdivision,Final Plat Report.pdf
5 A Sugar Plum Phase 5 Final Plat Exhibit.pdf
5 B Brio Phase 4B Final Plat Exhibit.pdf
5 B Brio, phase 4B subdivisionfinal plat, Report.pdf
6 A Amended for a vacation final plat Brio phase 1A subdivision,Report.pdf
6 A Brio Phase 1A Plat Vacation Exhibit.pdf
7 A Brio 3E-3F Preliminary Plat Exhibit.pdf
7 A Brio, Phase 3E & F sub.preliminary plat,Report.pdf
7 B Brio 5B Preliminary Plat Exhibit.pdf
7 B Brio, Phase 5b sub., Report.pdf
8 A C-18-25 Conditional Use Permit, apartment development, multi-family project, Report.pdf
8 A C-18-25 Elevations.pdf
8 A C-18-25 Floor Plan and Site Plan Exihibit.pdf
8 A C-18-25 Red Cliff Resort Conditional Use Permit writen text Exhibit.pdf
9 A Z-18-14 PUD Exhibit.pdf
9 A Z-18-14 R-3 to PUD Exhibit.pdf
9 A Z-18-14 Zone change request, from RA-2 to PUD, Kendal Truner, Report.pdf
9 A Z-18-14 Zone Change Writen Text.pdf
9 B Z-18-15 PUD Heritage Place Elevations Exhibit.pdf
9 B Z-18-15 PUD Heritage Place Phasing Plan Exhibit.pdf
9 B Z-18-15 PUD Zone Change Exhibit.pdf
9 B Z-18-15 Washington City Cross Section Table (1).pdf.pdf
9 B Z-18-15 Zone Change Amended Report.pdf
9 B Z-18-15 Zone change request, from A-20 to PUD, nisson field, Amended Report.pdf
9 B Z-18-15 Zone Change written Text.pdfReturn to Meetings and Notices page.
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