Past Meeting Packet Documents:

City Council Regular Meeting November 13, 2019 - Packet

10a Bid Award - Caldwell Wash Storm, Drain Improvement Project Recomendation.pdf
11a Agreement - Dedication from Cardiff Wales Property Exchange - Exhibit.pdf
11a Agreement - Dedication from Wales Cardiff, LC - Parcel Exhibit A.pdf
11b Agreement Real Property Donation - Exhibit.png
11c Agreement - Dog Park Property - Exhibit.png
12a Condition Amendment - BLM Issue grant signed_warner gateway Exhibit.pdf
1a Agenda RM111319.pdf
4b Board Audit Report for october.pdf
4ci Final Plat - Brio Phase 4A - Review.pdf
4ci Final Plat - Brio Phase 4A - Sheet 1.pdf
4ci Final Plat - Brio Phase 4A - Sheet 2.pdf
6a Preliminary Plat - Commerce Hospitality Center - Exhibit.pdf
6a Preliminary Plat - Commerce Hospitality Center - Review.pdf
6b Preliminary Plat - Red Water Industrial Park - Exhibit.pdf
6b Preliminary Plat - Red Waters Industrial Park - Review.pdf
6c Preliminary Plat - Red Waters - Exhibit.pdf
6c Preliminary Plat - Red Waters - Review.pdf
6d Preliminary Plat - Washington Vista Phase 3A-3B - Exhibit.pdf
6d Preliminary Plat - Washington Vista Phase 3A-3B - Review.pdf
7a PH Zone Change Z-19-12 Amend Stucki Farms PCD - Exhibit copy.pdf
7a PH Zone Change Z-19-12 Amend Stucki Farms PCD - Exhibit.pdf
7a PH Zone Change Z-19-12 Amend Stucki Farms PCD - Review.pdf
7b PH Zone Change Z-19-14 from RA-1 to I-1 - Exhibit.pdf
7b PH Zone Change Z-19-14 from RA-1 to I-1 - Review.pdf
7b PH Zone Change Z-19-14 from RA-1 to I-1 - Written Text.pdf
7c PH General Plan Amendment G-19-04 from OS to CCOM - Exhibit.pdf
7c PH General Plan Amendment G-19-04 from OS to CCOM - Review.pdf
7c PH General Plan Amendment G-19-04 from OS to CCOM - Written Text.pdf
7d PH General Plan Amendment G-19-05 from OS to CCOM - Exhibit.pdf
7d PH General Plan Amendment G-19-05 from OS to CCOM - Review.pdf
7d PH General Plan Amendment G-19-05 from OS to CCOM - Written Text.pdf
7e PH Budget Amendment Full Budget .pdf
8a Resolution - Amending the 2019-20 FY Budget.pdf
8b Resolution - Washington City MBA Lease Revenue Ref Bonds 2020.pdf
9a Ordinance - Parks n Recreation Capital Facility - Impact Fee.pdf
9b Ordinance - Zone Change Z-19-12 amend Stucki Farms PUD.pdf
9c Ordinance - New Subdivision Regulations Bullet Points.pdf
9c Ordinance - Title 10 Subdivision Regulations - Review.pdf

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