Past Meeting Packet Documents:

City Council Regular Meeting February 10, 2021 - Packet

10a WCPD - Commercial Vehicle Escort-Wide Load - Briefing Document .pdf
10a WCPD - Commercial Vehicle Escort-Wide Load - Briefing Document .pdf
10a WCPD - Commercial Vehicle Escort-Wide Load - Process Form.pdf
10a WCPD - Commercial Vehicle Escort-Wide Load - Process Form.pdf
1a Agenda RM02102.pdf
5a Preliminary - Desert Flower Phase 2A - Exhibit.pdf
5a Preliminary - Desert Flower Phase 2A - Review.pdf
6a Plat Amendment - Iron Horse Phase 2-3 Preliminary - Exhibit.pdf
6a Plat Amendment - Iron Horse Phase 2-3 Preliminary - Review.pdf
7a PH - Zone Change Z-21-05 Amend Coral Canyon PCD - Amendment Summary page.pdf
7a PH - Zone Change Z-21-05 Amend Coral Canyon PCD - Amendment-Revised.pdf
7a PH - Zone Change Z-21-05 Amend Coral Canyon PCD - Project Plan- Revised Zoning Comparisons.pdf
7a PH - Zone Change Z-21-05 Amend Coral Canyon PCD - Review.pdf
7b PH - Zone Change Z-21-06 from OS to R-1-15 - Exhibit.pdf
7b PH - Zone Change Z-21-06 from OS to R-1-15 - Review.pdf
7b PH - Zone Change Z-21-06 from OS to R-1-15 Request Letter.pdf
8a Ordinance - Zone Change Z-21-01 from A-20 to R-1-15 - Exhibit 1.pdf
8a Ordinance - Zone Change Z-21-01 from A-20 to R-1-15 - Exhibit.pdf
8a Ordinance - Zone Change Z-21-01 from A-20 to R-1-15 - Review.pdf
8a Ordinance - Zone Change Z-21-01 from A-20 to R-1-15 - Statement.pdf
8b Ordinance - Zone Change Z-21-02 Amend Red Trails at Sunrise Valley
8c Ordinance - Zone Change Z-21-04 Amend PUD - Exhibit.pdf
8c Ordinance - Zone Change Z-21-04 Amend PUD - Review.pdf
8c Ordinance - Zone Change Z-21-04 Amend PUD - Review.pdf
8c Ordinance - Zone Change Z-21-04 Amend PUD - Statement.pdf
8c Ordinance - Zone Change Z-21-04 Amend PUD - Statement.pdf
8c Ordinance - Zone Change Z-21-04 Amend PUD - Updated Site Plan.pdf
8d Ordinance - General Plan Amendment G-21-01 from LD to NCOM - Exhibit.pdf
8d Ordinance - General Plan Amendment G-21-01 from LD to NCOM - Exhibit.pdf
8d Ordinance - General Plan Amendment G-21-01 from LD to NCOM - Review.pdf
8d Ordinance - General Plan Amendment G-21-01 from LD to NCOM - Review.pdf
9a Bid - Cemetery Expansion Phase 3 - Briefing Document.pdf
9a Bid - Cemetery Expansion Phase 3 - Briefing Document.pdf
9a Bid - Cemetery Expansion Phase 3 - Plans.pdf
9a Bid - Cemetery Expansion Phase 3 - Plans.pdf

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