Past Meeting Packet Documents:
Planning Commission Meeting November 6, 2019 - Packet
1 A Agenda.pdf
5 A Brio 4A Final Plat 10-24-19 Sheet 1.pdf
5 A Brio 4A Final Plat 10-24-19 Sheet 2.pdf
5 A Brio Phase 4A subdivision Final Plat Report.pdf
6 A Lakeside at Stucki Farms Exhibit.pdf
6 A Lakeside at stucki farms sub. Preliminary Plat Report.pdf
7 A & B C-19-11 & C-19-12 Civil Details Exhibit.pdf
7 A & B C-19-11 & C-19-12 Elevations Exhibit.pdf
7 A & B C-19-11 & C-19-12 Existing Site Plan Exhibit.pdf
7 A & B C-19-11 & C-19-12 Fire Aparatus Turning Template Exhibit.pdf
7 A & B C-19-11 & C-19-12 Grading and Drainage Plan Exhibit.pdf
7 A & B C-19-11 & C-19-12 Landscape Plan Exhibit. pdf.pdf
7 A & B C-19-11 & C-19-12 Proposed Site Plan Exhibit.pdf
7 A & B C-19-11 & C-19-12 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Ehibit.pdf
7 A & B C-19-11 & C-19-12 Striping Plan Exhibit.pdf
7 A & B C-19-11 & C-19-12 Utility Plan.pdf
7 A C-19-11 Conditional Use Permit, apartment development, multi-family project Report.pdf
7 B C-19-12 Conditional Use Permit, apartment development, multi-family project Report.pdf
8 A tabled - Zone change request, Extraction Overlay zone, larry adams property base of nichols peak Report.pdf
9 A zoning ordinance amendment, _modifying regulations Report.pdf
9 B Zoning ordinance amendment, _detached accessory dwelling units Report.pdf
9 C Zoning ordinance amendment, _guest parking requirements for multiple family developments Report.pdf
9 D Zoning ordinance amendment, _height regulations Report.pdf
9 E Zoning ordinance amendment, _standardized street addressing Report.pdfReturn to Meetings and Notices page.
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