Past Meeting Packet Documents:
Planning Commission Meeting August 11, 2018 - Packet
1 A Agenda.pdf
4 A Final Plat, The Views at Coral Canyon, Phase 2 Subdivision Report.pdf
4 A Views at Coral Canyon Phae 2 Final Plat Exhibit.pdf
4 B Final Plat, Washington Vista, Phase 5A Subdivision Report.pdf.pdf
4 B Washington Vista Final Plat 5A Exhibit.pdf
4 C Final Plat, Washington Vista, Phase 5B Subdivision Report.pdf
4 C Washington Vista Final Plat 5B Exhibit .pdf
5 A C-18-20 Conditional Use Permit, site built home in mobile home park Report.pdf
5 A C-18-20 CUP for a Stick home in a Mobile Home Zone Exhibit.pdf
5 B C-18-21Electric Vehicle Charging Statio and 8 foot fencing Exhibit.pdf
5 B C-18-21 Colorized Elevation Drawings_625 W Telegraph EV charging Exhibit.pdf
5 B C-18-21 Conditional Use Permit, electric vehicle charging station at Walmart Report.pdf
5 C C-18-22 Commercial Use of Telegraph Dollar Tree Store Exhibit.pdf
5 C C-18-22 Conditional Use Permit, commercial development on Telegraph Road Report.pdf
5 C C-18-22 Elevations.pdf
5 D C-18-23 Commercial Use, Size of Building and Use in Stucki Farms Assisted Living & Memory Care.pdf.pdf
5 D C-18-23 Commercial Use, size of building and use in Stucki Farms Exhibit.pdf
5 D C-18-23 Commercial Use, Size of building and Usre in Stucki Farms Elevations.pdf
5 D C-18-23 Conditional Use Permit, commercial development on Washington Fields Road Reportf.pdf
6 A Z-18-12 PUD Zone Change to New PUD Exhibit.pdf
6 A Z-18-12 Zone change request, from PUD to PUD, brennan holdings Report.pdf
6 B Z-18-13 Zone change from A-20 to R-1-8 written text.pdf
6 B Z-18-13 Zone change from A-20 to R-1-8.pdf
6 B Z-18-13 Zone change request, from A-20 to R-1-8 Report.pdfReturn to Meetings and Notices page.
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