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Mayor’s Message

Personally Proud to be an American

Soon we will gather once again to honor those who have served and continue to serve to protect the freedoms and liberties we enjoy as Americans. Veterans Day is a sacred annual observance across the country and especially right here in Washington City. It’s a tradition for many from all across Washington County to come to the heart of our city for the annual parade and tribute at Veterans Park every November 11th.

The Washington City Veterans Committee was established years ago and defined the purpose of organizing this annual event to 1) celebrate and inspire liberty 2) honor each individual sacrifice and 3) teach the rising generation the sacred cost of freedom. Each of us has likely had our own journey in coming to understand and appreciate the uniquely American values and ideals we hold dear.

My journey started as a boy spending hours with my father at the Utah Army National Guard Armory in St. George. He was the First Sergeant of Bravo Battery, 2-222 Field Artillery, affectionately referred to as the “Golden Boys”. I remember the old armory on Flood Street, the building coming to life on drill weekends when soldiers showed up in camouflage battle dress uniforms, falling into formation, then getting to work based on their military occupation specialty. I was fascinated by seeing the self propelled, tracked howitzers firing up in convoy as the battery would leave to conduct field training exercises.

Being there and interacting with these part-time soldiers or “minutemen” who would gather one weekend a month and for two weeks a year for summer camp impacted me greatly. I saw my father’s and my older brother’s commitment and sacrifice, alongside the other soldiers, each ready to be deployed at a moment’s notice, which would mean leaving families, jobs, and comfort to defend freedom.

My father labored throughout his life as a farmer and a landscaper. He was what many would consider a common man, but to me he was so much more. For those who served with him in the National Guard, many whom he recruited, he was a leader, mentor, and friend. The brotherhood created among those who served with him in the “Triple Deuce” continues on today. Seeing his service inspired me to love America and to join the Army National Guard, which I did right out of High School. I was proud to carry on a small portion of the legacy he showed and the patriotism he instilled in me and others. Shortly after I returned home from basic training the armory was moved to the outskirts of town, and the new facility was named “Stanley A. Staheli Armory” in my father’s memory.

Each of us has a story, a connection to the sacrifice of individuals, and the commitment to freedom that has preserved the greatest nation that we are fortunate to call our home. I hope each of us will take time to pause and reflect on our veterans  and their great service. I hope each of us will take time to consider with reverence and gratitude the generations of brave men and women who preceded us in making America “a shining city on a hill”. If you would like to spark or rekindle your feelings of pride and patriotism, then please join us at Veterans Park on November 11th at 11:00 AM for the annual parade and tribute honoring Veterans.

-Kress Staheli


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