News Article Viewer, Posted: August 3, 2023

Council’s Corner

Building A Prosperous & Vibrant Community

We, as a city council, believe it’s essential to keep you informed about how your tax dollars are being utilized to support our community’s growth and development. As budget discussions have recently been finalized, I would like to shed some light on Washington City’s budget and its allocation to various important areas. Each year, the city’s budget is carefully planned and reviewed by the City Council in collaboration with many of the city employees. It is designed to meet the needs and priorities of our residents while ensuring responsible fiscal management. A significant portion of the budget each year is dedicated to public safety, including police and fire departments, ensuring the safety and well-being of our community. Maintenance and improvement of infrastructure, such as roads, utilities, and public facilities, also receive substantial funding. We prioritize quality of life by allocating resources to parks and recreational facilities, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle for residents of all ages. Additionally, funds are allocated to community programs and services that support education, culture, and social services, fostering a strong and inclusive community spirit. With these funds being allocated after public safety! Washington City also invests in economic development initiatives, attracting businesses and creating job opportunities for our residents. This contributes to a thriving local economy and enhances the overall quality of life in our community. Transparency is a vital aspect of the budgeting process. The City Council holds public meetings and hearings to discuss the budget, inviting community members to participate and provide feedback. The city’s budget is also made available to the public, ensuring accountability and open communication and can be found on our website here: By understanding how our tax dollars are utilized, we can actively engage in the decisions that shape our community. Together, we can continue to build a prosperous and vibrant Washington City. If you have any questions or would like more detailed information about the budget, we encourage you to reach out to any member of the City Council. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our city’s growth.

 –Ben L. Martinsen, Washington City Council


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