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System of Government: The Element of Compromise

As Americans we are very proud of our independence and strong will. However what we sometimes forget is that our system of government is based upon the element of compromise. On the federal level we have three branches of government with their associated checks and balances. In almost all cases compromise is the lubrication necessary to make our system of government work, and when it is missing the gears of government can slow down and even grind to a halt. Even though there are not three branches of government on the local level compromise is a necessary element of function. You will see this if you attend a planning commission or city council meeting. These appointed and legislative bodies function under a specific set of laws that are built upon “splitting the baby.” They are balancing out competing interests of individuals. And they are sometimes presented with a decision that may be better for the many at the expense of the few. In fact there is rarely a decision that comes before these groups that doesn’t have some element of these factors. When presented with these conflictory challenges these bodies usually “give a little” and “take a little”, and through that process policy is made and progress achieved. This all happens because of that foundational element of our democratic society...compromise.”

-Roger Carter

City Manager

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