Washington City Utah | (435) 656-6300
111 North 100 East | Washington, Utah 84780 [map]
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Public Works Department
Stormwater Pollution
A common misconception is that stormwater that enters the storm drain system in Washington City is treated before being discharged to local waterways. However, unlike wastewater from sinks, toilets, showers, etc., water that enters the storm drain system is sent untreated to rivers, streams, and lakes that we all rely on and enjoy. Washington City has implemented a plan to combat stormwater pollution known as illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE). An illicit discharge is anything entering the storm drain system not composed entirely of stormwater. An illegal connection is any unauthorized pipe, ditch, or other manmade structure that is physically connected to Washington Cities drainage system. Most commonly, a spill is an unintentional release of anything other than stormwater and often associated with emergency situations such as vehicle accidents. Nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen can cause the overgrowth of algae resulting in oxygen depletion in waterways. Toxic substances from motor vehicles, and overuse of pesticides and fertilizers threaten water quality and can kill fish and other aquatic life. Bacteria from animal wastes and improper connections to storm sewer systems can make lakes and waterways unsafe for wading, swimming and fish consumption. Eroded soil clouds the waterway and interferes with the habitat of fish and plant life. If you observe what appears to be something other than clean water entering the storm drain system or witness illegal dumping taking place, please notify the city stormwater department immediately at (435) 656-6317 or stormwater@washingtoncity.org.
–Public Works Department
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