Washington City Utah | (435) 656-6300
111 North 100 East | Washington, Utah 84780 [map]
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Washington City Police Department
OHV City Ordinance For Fun & Safety
As the holidays approach and kids are excited to ride their new outdoor toys, please ensure they are age-appropriate. If they are motorized, make sure your child is permitted to use them and that they follow the law. Take a moment to review the city’s code for off-highway vehicles (OHVs).
Any person operating an OHV is subject to all of the provisions of title 41, chapter 6a, Utah Code Annotated (1953), as amended (traffic code), which includes, but is not limited to:
A. Unless otherwise provided for herein, no person under sixteen (16) years of age will be allowed to operate an OHV on a Washington City road, street or highway designated for OHV use.
B. No person under the age of sixteen (16) may operate and no owner may give permission to a person under the age of sixteen (16) to operate an OHV on the designated roads, streets, and highways of Washington City.
C. All operators sixteen (16) years of age and older must possess a valid operator’s license as provided in title 53, chapter 3, uniform driver license act.
D. All riders under the age of eighteen (18) may not operate or ride an off highway vehicle on the designated roads, streets, and highways of Washington City unless the person is wearing a properly fitted Snell or DOT approved protective headgear designated for motorized use.
To view the City Code online, visit: codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/washingtonut and search for “5-2F-3”. You can also see the state requirements for certain types by visiting: dld.utah.gov/motorcycle-end.
-Police Department
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