Washington City Utah | (435) 656-6300
111 North 100 East | Washington, Utah 84780 [map]
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Council’s Corner
Celebrting Freedom & Service
Summer is now in full swing and we have arrived at the month when we celebrate the birth of our nation and our state. I am grateful to our founding fathers who had the courage to declare independence and establish the greatest nation on the earth. The sacrifices they made in the name of liberty have guaranteed our freedoms to this day and for generations to come. In his Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln reminded us that The United States of America constitutes a government of, by, and for the people. In our republic we the people elect leaders to represent us at all levels of government. In our role as a city council, as a mayor, and as city staff, the leaders of Washington City should always strive to be servants of the good people who reside here. City leaders and staff are expected to approach every interaction with residents as an opportunity to demonstrate exceptional customer service. As we celebrate the 4th and 24th of July with family, food, fun, and fireworks, let us always remember just how lucky we are to live in a nation where the government’s power comes from the people. It is a privilege for city leaders and staff to serve you. We are grateful for you and the trust you have instilled in us.
–Kurt Ivie, Washington City Council
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