Washington City Utah | (435) 656-6300
111 North 100 East | Washington, Utah 84780 [map]
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Washington City Lions Club
Join Us For Independence Day Breakfast & Fun!
Start your celebration of the nation’s birthday with a great, hearty breakfast prepared by the Washington City Lions Club!! Serving begins at 7 a.m. on the 4th of July in the Pavilion by Veterans Park on Telegraph St. If you’re there early enough and very lucky, you might have an opportunity to buy a homemade pie made by the famous Washington City Pie Ladies! AND, there will be more than breakfast! The auction will start as breakfast finishes!! Come, bid on items donated by local merchants and walk away smiling with some fabulously good deals! AND, there will be games, races, booths, a jump house, and more for the kids in the Park! The Lions Club will ALSO be serving breakfast on the 24th of July to support the activities planned by Washington City! Remember—all proceeds raised by the Lions Club come back to better our community! Support the breakfasts and support Washington City!
-Lions Club
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