Washington City Utah | (435) 656-6300
111 North 100 East | Washington, Utah 84780 [map]
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Mayor’s Message
Much to be Grateful For
We have much to be grateful for here in Washington City. Despite a few challenges associated with a growing city, we are certainly blessed with a rare form of peace and prosperity that allows us to maintain and build upon a unique and high quality of life.
As we approach Veterans Day, we pause to remember and pay special tribute to those who have served in the military. This annual celebration, for all of Washington County, will be held on Saturday, November 11th, with the parade starting at 11:00 AM, and the program following immediately afterward in Veterans Park. All Veterans and community members are invited to participate.
With Thanksgiving being celebrated this month, we take time to reflect on and give thanks for our blessings. These blessings usually include our families, friends, and other relationships. As mayor, I include city employees among those for whom I’m particularly grateful.
I think of those in public works, caring for roads and critical infrastructure, those in police and fire, keeping us safe, and those in our power utility, keeping the lights on and our modern world going. I think of those in parks and recreation who maintain world-class parks and facilities, miles of trails, and who organize community activities for the enjoyment of all ages. It’s been my privilege to interact with and witness the dedication of all those who serve the city in numerous capacities, and each makes a real difference in our well-being as a community.
Now, in a time when many levels of government are divided with infighting and self-promotion, I’m especially grateful to serve with a capable and committed City Council that is united in selflessly working together for the benefit of Washington City residents. Each member brings unique strengths, backgrounds, and perspectives, and by pulling together, we’ve been able to accomplish many important things as an elected body.
For example, in the Fire Department over the past 4 years, we’ve doubled the number of full-time firefighters from 12 to 24, and replaced much of an aging fleet with new apparatus, including a new ladder truck and fire engine, with another fire engine on order. We’ve expanded from 2 to 3 stations, each fully staffed and equipped, and have secured locations for 2 additional stations in the coming years. Citizen safety and security is a top priority.
From the Streets Division, you may have noticed much-needed new traffic signals in various locations, and new sections of sidewalk along Telegraph Street and Washington Fields Road. Buena Vista Blvd has been widened in areas, and Washington Dam Road underwent a full rebuild from 1900 East to the Long Valley entrance near the Southern Parkway. 3650 South in Washington and 1450 South in St George are now connected near the new Red Cliffs Temple. This road is now called George Washington Boulevard, and it’s recently been extended east, where on and off ramps are currently under construction at the Southern Parkway. Eventually, this 85’ wide major arterial road will connect the entire east and west sides of the County!
The city paid off the Sullivan Park Bond, then broke ground on the new Wheels Park on George Washington Boulevard. This regional park maintains the level of service we’ve committed to in a growing area of the Washington Fields. It is being paid for by park impact fees collected from new construction, and not affecting any other areas of city services. We’ve also expanded the dog park, and plans are underway to construct new trailheads into the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve.
With the vision and support of the City Council we are doing great things; more than can be listed here. In the spirit of “thanks”, we are most grateful for you and your support as we continue to work together for the city we love.
-Kress Staheli
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