News Article Viewer, Posted: July 2, 2024

Mayor’s Message

Careful Planning for a Prosperouse Future

One of the most frequent questions I get from residents is: “How is Washington City planning for the future?” We have a lot of positive things working to our advantage. We have great people who live here, a vibrant local economy, amazing recreational opportunities, and unmatched natural beauty. When thinking about the future however, I am reminded of a quote from Abraham Lincoln: “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” Washington’s future hinges upon the orchestration and execution of a general plan, capital facility plans, and other specific master plans. Collectively, these documents serve as guides for a well-planned future while ensuring that tax dollars are used prudently and efficiently today.

The city’s General Plan serves as the guiding beacon, charting the course for the city’s development while preserving its unique heritage and identity. It outlines land use, zoning regulations, and infrastructure development, providing a blueprint for responsible expansion. The General Plan helps us assemble the many pieces of the puzzle that make up our city.

Simultaneously, the Transportation Master Plan lays the groundwork for efficient mobility, ensuring connectivity across neighborhoods, providing accessibility to amenities, and facilitating economic vitality. A well-structured road network not only enhances transportation efficiency, but also enhances safety and reduces congestion, creating an environment that can accommodate our diverse population. The new I-15 interchange at Main Street and the Southern Parkway interchange at George Washington Blvd will reduce congestion and allow for better mobility across the city and county. Some roads, like the congressionally approved Northern Corridor, have been planned for in each iteration of this document since 1996, pre-dating most residential development in that area. As a result, the north section of Washington Parkway was intentionally built 5 years ago as a connection point to the corridor, indicative of prior planning, coordination, and approval among local, state, and federal agencies.

Complementing these efforts are various capital facility plans that detail essential services such as the Power Department Capital Facilities Plan, each of these anticipate future demands and ensure sustainable resource management. By strategically allocating resources and infrastructure investments into power and other utilities and municipal services, capital facility plans create a foundation for community well-being and prosperity.

Washington City is a founding member of the Washington County Water Conservancy District. In addition to city specific plans, we’ve collaborated with the District in establishing a detailed 20 Year Water Supply Plan to meet current and future needs. This plan focuses on enhancing water source, storage, treatment, and distribution capacity throughout the county. It includes additional conservation, expansion of the reuse system, optimization of groundwater supplies, and the conversion of available agricultural water.

The trails section in the Parks & Recreation Master Plan along with the Active Transportation Plan provide for an interconnected network of trails and green spaces, encouraging an active lifestyle, promoting environmental stewardship, and enhancing our quality of life in Washington. We recently received state active transportation grant funding to build a trail system along the Southern Parkway. The city is also ready to move forward with building the Historic Canal Trail in phases, primarily along the canal easement that generally flows from the base of Shinob Kibe to Crimson Cliffs High School. Our 30 miles and counting of trails serve to enhance the connectivity of our city. If you haven’t noticed, the city has also invested in an expanded trailhead at Grapevine that will be completed this summer for hikers, bikers, and horse enthusiasts.

Washington City leadership and staff are doing what is necessary to plan for tomorrow while being responsible with your hard-earned tax dollars today. Visit and search for these plans to find more detailed information. Rest assured that Washington City will continue to be the best place to live, work, recreate, and raise a family for years to come!

-Kress Staheli


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