Washington City Power - Green Power Program

Green Power Program Pamphlet

In an effort to purchase power from more environmentally friendly sources Washington City Power has implemented a Green Power Program. This program gives you the voluntarily option to buy power that was generated from a renewable, environment-friendly source. Initially this will be wind generated power.
You can buy as little as 100kwhr for an additional $3.50/month and this will reduce CO 2 emissions by 1.4 tons per year! However you can buy as much as you would like.

Please download this form and fill it out to sign up. Or come into the Utilities office at City Hall and they can assist you with signing up.
Please contact us at (435) 656-6329 / power@washingtoncity.org for more information.
Questions and Answers:
- What is the Green Power Program?
This is a voluntary customer-choice program that stimulates the demand of electricity generated from renewable, environment-friendly resources, often referred to as "green power."
- What is green power?
Electricity generated from renewable resources such as wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, and low-impact hydroelectric resources. The resources are considered better for the environment than fossil fuels because they produce few, if any, pollutants.
- How does this program help our environment?
It provides for less contaminants into the atmosphere created by coal or gas fired plants and power production. For each 100 kwhr purchase you will reduce the CO 2 output into the atmosphere by 1.4 tons per year.
- How can I participate?
It's easy, completely voluntary and open to all Washington City customers! To participate, simply call our utility office. The amount you designate will go entirely toward green energy. You decide how much you wish to contribute toward clean energy for a better environment.
- Where will the green power come from?
Washington City Power's program Green power resource comes from the Pleasant Valley Wind project located in Wyoming.
- How will green power be delivered to my home or business?
Electricity generated by the Green Power Program will be fed into the overall Northwest power supply grid. This power "pool" combines all sources of electricity including green resources. Electricity for your home or business is drawn from the overall electric supply system. You will see no difference in how you receive your power, but as a program participant you will be supporting the environment and increasing generation of renewable energy.
- Will the power cost more?
While the cost for producing electricity from renewable resources has decreased over the years, it still remains higher than traditional least-cost resources such as large, hydropower generation. The dollar amount you choose to contribute will buy down the premium of the cost to produce green resources.
- Will my contribution be tax deductible?
No, because customer funds make a physical purchase from an operating business.
- How can I determine how much to contribute?
Consider this: our average residential customer uses 1,200 kilowatt-hours of electricity each month. If you were to match 100 percent of your electricity with green power, it would cost about $42 per month in addition to your electricity charge based on a $3.50 per 100 kwhr charge.
- What if I want to change or cancel my participation?
Simply notify Washington City Power at 656-6300. If your designated amount is left unpaid after 60 days, Washington City will cancel your participation in the program.
- How will I know what's happening with the program?
Regular program updates will be available at washingtoncity.org in the near future. Updates will also be included in the monthly newsletter.
- How does this program affect people who don't subscribe?
Many Washington City Power customers value the least-cost resources that generate the company's power supply mix and are satisfied knowing most of their electricity comes from renewable hydro resources. The Green Power Program is designed to provide an option to support other alternative resources such as wind and solar-generated power and in turn reducing the price of construction of future renewable projects.
- What is the advantage of participating in a green power resource?
Participation is voluntary on an individual basis. Participating in such a project gives Washington City power the ability to add additional wind power and other related renewable energy products to our resource portfolio at an affordable cost which in turn promotes the construction of future projects and supports the concerns of environmental impacts of other than fossil fuel type energy production facilities.
- Why haven't we built wind powered generators in Washington County?
Studies by independent engineering firms show that wind powered generation in the Washington County area are not economically feasible.
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