Police Department

Please Call 911 for emergencies.
Dispatch Phone Number 634-5730

File Incident Report Online in: English or Español

Police Station M-Th 7:30am - 5:30pm, F 8am - 12pm
(435) 986-1515
135 North 100 East
Washington, Utah 84780

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Register all your phone numbers for Emergency Communication

Sex Offender Registrations & Updates

Sex offender registration and updates must be done by appointment only. Appointments can be requested by emailing police@washingtoncity.org or calling (435) 986-1515.

Welcome Message from the Chief

Message from the Chief

On behalf of the men and women of the Washington City Police Department, welcome to our page, and thank you for taking the time to learn about our department. I’m honored to have the privilege of serving the community and as the police chief, I invite you to browse our page and familiarize yourself with the various divisions of our department. I hope that this page provides useful and interesting information about the police department and the services we currently provide.

The dedicated professionals of Washington City Police serve a population of nearly 40,000 citizens. Our staff includes thirty-eight sworn police officers, seven civilian staff members, and dedicated volunteers who share their own time. The members of the Washington City Police Department truly care about the safety of our community and provide excellent customer service. Our staff responds to the public safety needs of the community with the most effective measures available within our existing resources with the primary focus on ensuring the safety and well-being of our citizens and visitors.

Our policing philosophy balances a foundation of traditional policing concepts with innovative and progressive methods to help evolve with our citizens into the future. Community problems are often best addressed by working in partnership with citizens; therefore, Washington City Police will continually strive to improve public relations and increase public confidence.

As your chief of police, I will listen to your needs and strive to be open and honest with community members as well as the men and women with whom I serve. I believe maintaining a high level of professionalism within the police department serves to maintain the quality of public safety citizens deserve and fosters collaborative efforts that result in constantly improving community relations.

As community members, you should know that your city administration-including our city manager, mayor, and city council has made an uncompromising commitment to public safety in Washington City. I share this commitment and I encourage you to share your innovative ideas to improve our police services. Please feel free to contact me by email or phone with suggestions or comments.

Jason Williams - Police Chief
(435) 986-1515

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Washington City Utah | (435) 656-6300
111 North 100 East | Washington, Utah 84780 [map]
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