Police Department
Tips To Help Prevent Car Theft
Happy September!! We made it through the summer and back to school. Here is a friendly reminder to keep your vehicle and property safe while you’re not around. We have seen an uptick in these types of crimes and want your help to prevent further opportunities. Please share these tips with any new drivers in your family.
Auto Theft Prevention Basics:
- Never leave your car running or the keys in the ignition when you’re away from it, even for “just a minute.”
- Always roll up the windows and lock the car, even if it’s in front of your home.
- Never leave valuables in plain view, even if your car is locked. Put them in the trunk or at least out of sight.
- Remove portable electronic devices such as smartphones and GPS navigation systems, including suction cups or bean bag-type mounts. (Even the visible appearance of a suction cup ring on the glass windshield can entice a thief to break in and look for the GPS system.)
- Park in a busy, well-lighted area.
- Carry the registration and insurance card with you. Don’t leave personal identification documents or credit cards in your vehicle.
- When you pay to park in a lot or garage, leave just the ignition or valet key with the attendant. Make sure no personal information is attached. Do the same when you take your car for repairs.
Car Burglaries (tips on how to avoid car break-ins:
- Do not leave valuables in plain view: (GPS devices, laptops, PDAs, cell phones, MP3s, wallets, purses)
- Do not leave doors unlocked or windows or sunroof open.
- Do not leave the garage door opener in plain view.
- Do not leave out items with personal information.
- Do not move valuable items to the trunk while in public view.
Please always reach out to us through dispatch at (435) 634-5730 if you observe any suspicious activity. Thank you for your support and partnership.
–Police Department
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