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Intermountain Consumer Professional Engineers (ICPE) has prepared this electrical system study and Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) update at the request of Washington City. This plan updates the 2013 plan previously prepared for the Washington Electrical system. The intent of the plan is to anticipate future demand for electricity, and evaluate the capacity of the City's electrical system to supply it. Improvements to the system are proposed to insure that capacity is in place to supply power to customers when needed. Where appropriate, improvements to safety, reliability, and efficiency of the electric system are recommended. This report has been prepared to provide Washington City information for budgeting and planning purposes. Detailed design work is not included as part of this study.
The general findings and recommendations of the CFP update are presented in the proposed improvement summary section of this report. The proposed improvement summary section lists major projects that are proposed in the plan, the general estimated timeframe when these projects should be completed, and the estimated cost of the projects in 2020 dollars.
The system load history and forecast section includes tabular data on past load, projected load, and prospective development in the City, and a table showing forecast loads for each substation. The load forecast identifies expected loads for existing substations, as well as the addition of new substations. Load transfers between substations are projected on the basis of maximizing the utilization of the existing substation transformers. Capacity additions are only scheduled when the transfer of load to adjacent substations would result in overloading those facilities. However, the proximity of various load centers to the various substations may require the addition of a substation before overall system wide utilization limits are met. Maximizing the utilization of existing and future facilities produces the least cost option. Distribution facilities are planned for construction in the time frames necessary to facilitate the load transfers as outlined in the system improvement summary. Backup capacity for substation transformers/equipment and provisions for improved transmission and distribution reliability are also issues addressed in the study.
Detailed information is provided in the report for each element of the power system evaluated as part of the work plan. Sections are included on transmission, substation, and distribution.
Electrical Capital Facilities Plan - 2020
Previous Electrical Capital Facilities Plan - 2013
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