Washington City Utah | (435) 656-6300
111 North 100 East | Washington, Utah 84780 [map]
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Stormwater Permit Information
It's up to all of us to make it happen. In recent years, sources of water pollution like industrial wastes from factories have been greatly reduced. Now more than 60 percent of water pollution comes from things like cars leaking oil, fertilizers from farms and gardens and failing septic tanks. All these sources add up to a big pollution problem. But each of us can do small things to help clean up our water too-and that adds up to a pollution solution!
Having clean water is of primary importance for our health and economy. Clean water provides recreation, commercial opportunities, fish habitat, drinking water and adds beauty to our landscape. All of us benefit from clean water, and all of us have a role in getting and keeping our lakes, rivers, marine and ground waters clean.
Watch for this label to identify Storm drains in the City.
When your car is leaking oil on the street, remember it isn't just leaking oil on the street.
Oil does not dissolve in water. It lasts a long time and sticks to everything from beach sand to bird feathers. Oil and other petroleum products are toxic to people, wildlife and plants. One pint of oil can make a slick larger than a football field. Oil that leaks from our cars onto roads and driveways is washed into storm drains, and then usually flows directly to a lake or stream. Used motor oil is the largest single source of oil pollution in our lakes, streams and rivers. Americans spill 180 million gallons of used oil each year into our waters. This is 16 times the amount spilled by the Exxon Valdez in Alaska.
How can you use and change your motor oil and help keep our waters clean?
Jiffy Lube
Auto Zone
Paxman Automotive
St George Muffler & Radiator
(no oil in antifreeze)
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
28 N 700 E, St George
It's a health risk to pets and people, especially children. It's a nuisance in our neighborhoods. Pet waste is full of bacteria that can make people sick. If it's washed into the storm drain and ends up in a lake, stream or marine water, the bacteria end up in shellfish. People who eat those shellfish can get very sick. The waste produced by Seattle's dogs and cats is about what a city the size of Renton or Kennewick (about 50,000 people) would produce. Unless people take care of it, the waste enters our water with no treatment.
When your dog goes on the lawn, remember, you're dog isn't just going on the lawn.
How can you get rid of pet waste and help keep our waters clean? Here are some options:
There's no problem with washing your car. It's just how and where you do it. Most soap contains phosphates and other chemicals that harm fish and water quality. The soap, together with the dirt and oil washed from your car, flows into nearby storm drains which run directly into lakes, rivers or marine waters. The phosphates from the soap can cause excess algae to grow. Algae look bad, smell bad, and harms water quality. As algae decay, the process uses up oxygen in the water that fish need.
Remember: When you're washing your car in the driveway, you're not just washing your car in the driveway.
How can you wash your car and help keep our waters clean?
An even better idea, take your car to a commercial car wash, especially if you plan to clean the engine or the bottom of your car. Most car washes reuse wash water several times before sending it to the sewer system for treatment.
To find out more about the impacts from washing your vehicle and what you can do to prevent water pollution, call the Stormwater Department at 656-6317.
When you treat the lawn, remember, you're not just treating your lawn.
Fertilizer isn't a problem if it's used carefully. If you use too much fertilizer or apply it at the wrong time, it can easily wash off your lawn or garden into storm drains and then flow untreated into lakes or streams. Just like in your garden, fertilizer in lakes and streams makes plants grow. In water bodies, extra fertilizer can mean extra algae and aquatic plant growth. Too much algae harms water quality and makes boating, fishing and swimming unpleasant. As algae decay, they use up oxygen in the water that fish and other wildlife need.
How can you fertilize and help keep our waters clean?
For more information on fertilizing alternatives and composting call your County Extension's Master Gardeners program or the number in your community listed below.
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